Friday 11th May 2007

A mindless summary of the past 5 days of practice
(OK, 3 days actually):

Monday: 6am Mysore practice at the shala with David. I looked like a crash victim – right arm bandaged (the burn), right ankle bandaged (the sprain).
David left me alone.
After one standard adjustment in Utthita Hasta Padanguthasana the rest of the practice was all mine. I felt him observing me a couple of times but I probably looked too fragile to touch. As it turned out, a strong start gave way to exhaustion, and I actually stopped at Navasana for the first time in my shala-practice history.
Tuesday: Lukewarm primary practice at Renate’s studio.
Wednesday and Thursday: ladies holiday.
Friday: broke the 3 days off holiday rule and went to Darren’s led Iyengar class.

I scribbled a few pages about Darren’s class this morning (lots of backbends with a chair) and waffled on a bit, following the errant trains of thought that came and went as I was musing: the foreboding threat of menopause; the dimensional shift in thinking that occurs when we switch from lower self to higher self (a bit like changing gears); and how I’d bring up my kids if I had those years all over again (and is it too late?).
Too bad I'm too tired to edit, type and post it all.
Too, too, too bad.

That’s why my blog is so boring these days. There's no time to shift gears and mull over the bigger stuff, so I'm stuck on the lower mind merry-go-round, going round and round in circles. It’s all little thoughts, petty stuff, all the individual look-at-me threads that make up the fabric of day to day life.

Flower Essences
Angie’s been doing a course in Australian bush flower remedies and she’s using me as one of her test clients for a final assignment.
After taking down all my personal history last Friday, she recommended the Boab essence, which I’ve been dropping under my tongue twice a day for the last week. Apparently the Aborigines in the Kimberley region of north west Australia give boab to their children as soon as they're born to prevent negative emotional patterns of previous generations from being passed on. So it's used for its ability to break adverse family conditioning.
I've got one more week to go and I cant’ say I’ve noticed anything, really. I'm sceptical about all new-age remedies (even those based on ancient knowledge), but honestly I'm open to everything. Quite possibly I’m so busy from the moment my eyes open til I fall into bed at night that the subtleties of a flower essence are completely lost on me.
The whiff of brandy in the mixture’s a naughty hint of past life debauchery though, especially at the newborn hour of 5.30am in the morning.


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