Thursday 6th July 2006

Metaphorically speaking

“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why” - Eddie Cantor.

Where are we going and why? What are we doing right now to get there?
If you’re asking these questions over and over, rest assured you’re going in the right direction, even if you don’t know where you are right now.

I seem to have been going nowhere for maybe a year or so. The changes that swept through me in that accelerated period of intense spiritual advancement a few years ago were absorbed into my psyche and then the big wave subsided.
Now the sea is calm and I’ve been left to tread water, to attend to daily life. This treading water is a necessary part of the ebb and flow of the spiritual journey, I know. Ecstasy and revelation are mind-blowers – the internal ecosystem needed to cool down and adjust.
But I think I might be expending too much energy treading water. My everyday life is jam-packed full of activity and commitments that I’ve been gradually stacking up, one on top of another. Mundane life is swallowing me up.

I’m so busy treading water that I’ve forgotten how magnificent and beautiful is the ocean in which I am immersed.

I watched Step Into Liquid last night having not been out surfing for an entire month. Maybe you can tell from all the watery metaphors. I think my soul is thirsty.
And I miss being immersed in divine love. How arid this daily landscape is when you’re just floating around on the surface.
I need to find that portal again, the one that can take me from this two dimensional life into the mystical realm of the Eternal. It’s somewhere in the heart. Abandon the surfboard, take a deep breath and dive into the liquid...


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