Friday 7th July 2006

Slipped again

Blogging can be useful if only for getting the mess of thoughts out of my head so I can see them clearly for the mess that they are.

After reading what I wrote yesterday I can see how I’ve been caught up in the “I’m so busy, I don’t have time to practice and reflect” merry-go-round.

By ‘practice’ I don’t mean my Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice, but rather my REAL spiritual practice, the one that encompasses the totality of my very existence – physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual, the practice that keeps me on my toes 24 hours a day, where I watch how I think, how I feel, what I say and what I do, trying to maintain the mindstate of higher consciousness so that my being in the world adds a sparkle not a cloud.

Yesterday’s rave about going nowhere was just way off the mark. I have to keep reminding myself that spiritual practice has absolutely NOTHING to do with going anywhere, getting better or going deeper, but has EVERYTHING to do with letting go of all judgements, expectations and hopes, and fully experiencing the purity of this present moment, because that’s all there is, and that’s where we find God – in the wilderness of now untainted by the mind - that’s the secret.

Sometimes, in my busyness, I forget that.

All very deep.

My friend is doing his first Vipassana retreat this week…I’m a little envious. I can sense what he’s going through right now on Day 3 and its bringing back fond memories of past retreats, the long, long days of meditation, the sustained silence that begins gathering momentum after the initial resistance subsides, the heavy peace that descends like soft, warm rain. But it occurred to me this morning that I shouldn’t be envious, I shouldn’t be longing for the next retreat to plumb the depths of inner silence. It’s with me all the time.

Sometimes, in my busyness, I forget that too.

Don’t look for peace, let it emanate from you.
Don’t ask for love, give it out.
Don’t wait for a miracle, see one in every moment.

All very deep.

Less deep was my Mysore self-practice at the shala this morning – my first for 4 days (after taking the regulation monthly female three days off).
Nothing to write about, except that I did it and I loved it.


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